New Student Releases: danyaal “hidden in a dream”
MAN my students are honestly just ON. FIRE. Pandemic be damned.
Danyaal Rangwala started working with me a little before the pandemic hit, and came to me as an experienced guitarist who wanted to work on his singing chops. A dedicated worker with a vast array of amazing musical influences, we’d probably worked together for over a year before he let slip that he’d love to write his own songs but “wasn’t sure” he was a lyricist. I encouraged him to bring me some of his rough lyrics to our next lesson to workshop together, and y’all: this man was such a beautiful lyricist, really lovely, rich poetry! I told him he was never allowed to not call himself a lyricist again and wouldn’t you believe it - he came back to me with something like 5 more songs of evocative symbolism, and the rest just seemed to flow from him from there. Sometimes people just need someone to air their ideas out to, in a judgment-free zone where they can be free to be expressive, and also get the gut-checks they might need to challenge what isn’t working, and strengthen what is.
So I am beyond honored to have been a part of Danyaal’s journey in conceptualizing and bringing to life his DEBUT EP, a rich tapestry of Flaming Lips, Beach Boys, Neil Young-tinged psychedelia. His debut single, “Hidden In A Dream” is below, with a beautiful art video by Lulu Tang - as always, please listen and throw some $$ his way via Bandcamp to support the hard work and art <3