Singing Tips: Hum, Baby Hum

Today we’re talkin’ bout the HUM, baby! Yes, I bet you didn’t know there was so much information in a HUM! Oh, but there is. This is a continuation of the last tip video, in which I introduced the concept of vocal resonance; now we’re going to do a little humming to FEEL our resonance, and to FEEL singing from a more resonant place

Why humming? Humming is a really cool way to keep yourself honest about where - and how - you are “placing” your voice. If your sound is concentrated and being pushed from the belly and throat, you’re going to hear & feel it quite obviously when you’re attempting to hum. The sound will sound and FEEL trapped in the back of the throat - and it won’t buzz the lips or face the way we want it to for an open, RESONANT sound. Try it with the video above and see why humming may be your new best friend as you start to get acquainted with vocal resonance, and what it means to sing from a forward, resonant place.


Student News: Trees and Machines


Singing From A Resonant Place